This version of my documentation includes those screens if you are using V 1.92 or earlier of the RS-BA1 software, please refer to my earlier documentation (v17). NOTE: with version 1.94 of the RS-BA1 software, ICOM added a set-up wizard.RS-BA 1, which gained popularity by being able to operate many of our machines such as the flagship machine IC-7851 from a PC via IP, will be released as a new version with more various. RS-BA1 Version 2 IP Remote Control Software New release of IP remote control software RS-BA1 Version 2 for amateur radio equipment compatible with dual mode.Penerapan model permainan simulasi untuk meningkatkan keaktifan dan hasil belajar PKn pokok bahasan tolong menolong siswa kelas II Sekolah Dasar Ampelgading 01 Kecamatan Selorejo Kabupaten Blitar tahun ajaran 2008-2009 / Desfita Agustina.